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Monday, August 24, 2020
Can You Fail the SAT
Would you be able to Fail the SAT SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The SAT is a really high-stakes test - it’s a significant piece of your school applications, which could mean difficulty in the event that you get a low score. Yet, would you be able to bomb the SAT out and out? Fortunately formally, it’s difficult to bomb the SAT - however that doesn’t imply that a low score doesn't mean awful news. Here, I’ll survey all that you have to think concerning why you can’t truly bomb the SAT, however why poor imprints should consider fizzling. Stressed over your score? Toward the end, I’ll go over the means you should take to pull them up. Bombing the SAT: The Official Answer Before I go into the official answer on whether you can bomb the SAT, I’d like to survey some significant foundation data on how the test is scored. The SAT is at present scored out of 1600 absolute focuses. The least score you can jump on the SAT is 400.This scoring framework isn’t fundamentally natural, so to give you a thought of what the score conveyance resembles: The normal grade is 1000. The top 25% of scorers get 1200 focuses or higher, which is commonly viewed as excellent. The base 25% of scorers get 840 focuses or lower, which is commonly viewed as poor. Presently that we’ve moved that, I need to emphasize that it’s difficult to authoritatively bomb the SAT. There are no letter evaluations or cutoff scores, just your scaled score (the number you get out of 1600) and your percentile score (the number that discloses to you how well you’ve done when contrasted with other test-takers. A percentile score of 60, for instance, would reveal to you that you scored higher than 60% of test-takers). Since we can interface scaled scores with percentile scores, we can tell how well a specific understudy did on the SAT. Despite the fact that there is no official bombing cutoff, it’s still conceivable to get a score that will hurt your school applications. This presents to me an increasingly down to earth reaction with regards to whether it’s conceivable to bomb the SAT†¦ Bombing the SAT: TheUnofficial (and More Helpful) Answer The general purpose of planning for and taking the SAT (maybe a few times) is to ensure you’ll get into a school you’d like to join in. There is no official passing or bombing grade on the SAT, yet there are sure score benchmarks that are viewed as low. How you'd characterize a low score is extremely subject to your point of view - would you like to realize what's low founded on national execution, ordo you need a more nuanced see scores dependent on your own objectives? In the following areas, I'll give you how you can do both. It's useful to begin with a wide point of view, and afterward center in around what's generally significant for you. Low Score Based on National Performance In the first place, we’ll take a progressively broad view: what’s thought about a low score by and large, in light of national execution? This current one's genuinely simple to reply. We can believe a low score to be at the 25th percentile and beneath (as I describedearlier). This implies out of the considerable number of individuals who take the SAT across the nation, the individuals who get a 840 or lower might be viewed as low scorers. Low Score Based on Personal Goals All the more critically, you’ll need to consider what score you’ll consider as an individual disappointment - not as in the score is a bombing grade, yet as in the score will neglect to assist you with accomplishing your own school confirmations objectives. A SAT score is only a piece of your school application, yet a low score will subject the remainder of your application to high scrutiny.A low score may get your application hurled out, regardless of whether the remainder of your certifications signal that you’d be a solid match for the school. I can’t let you know precisely what SAT score lies at these basic focuses (for example the scores that will frustrate you from getting into specific schools). Be that as it may, there is an approach to get a rough approximation of these â€Å"failing†scores dependent on the schools you’re intrigued by. Here’s how you do it: Step #1 Make a rundown of the considerable number of schools you’re keen on (8-10 universities is perfect). You can incorporate a couple of arrive at schools and a couple of wellbeing schools, yet attempt to make a rundown out of for the most part target universities. Step #2 For each school, Google â€Å"[name of school] PrepScholar confirmations requirements.†The right connection ought to be one of the principal couple results. Here's a case of what your indexed lists will resemble: The subsequent connection is the one you need! Step #3 On the PrepScholar confirmations page, discover the data for the 25th/75th percentile SAT scores (we as of now have information for the old 2400 point SAT - when schools discharge information for the present SAT, we’ll update these pages). Since we’re attempting to make sense of a benchmark for your very own perilously low score, we’re generally worried about the 25th percentile score for any school of intrigue. This implies just 25% of understudies were acknowledged to that school with SAT scores lower than the one recorded. Step #4 Convert the old 25th percentile SAT scores (out of 2400) to current SAT scores (out of 1600). You can do this by taking the old score and duplicating by â… , then adjusting to the closest various of 10. This gives you your â€Å"danger†score for a specific school in the new scoring framework. Model: If the 25th percentile score was 1510 in the old scoring framework, I duplicate by â… to get 1007. I round to the closest numerous of 10 and get 1010. Step #5 In the event that you’ve accumulated SAT information for a few schools (particularly if you’re taking a gander at target schools), you can average the changed over scores to get a thought of what your own meaning of â€Å"failing the SAT†may be. In the event that the normal score that you compute appears to be inconceivably high, you may need to re-do this activity with less serious schools (for example schools with lower SAT scores for conceded understudies). Applying to schools with normal SAT scores that are nearer to your own may build your odds of affirmation - if your own SAT score is moderately low for a specific school (for example at or beneath the 25th percentile), it won’t essentially be difficult to get in, yet it will be progressively troublesome. For increasingly nitty gritty data, look at our guide on howto ascertain a perfect objective SAT score. What toDo If You Have a Low Score On the off chance that your SAT score is near or underneath that basic 25th percentile mark, there are a couple of things you can do. Alternative 1: You can take a gander at schools with less serious SAT scores for conceded understudies (like I referenced prior). Choice 2: You can deliberately plan for the SAT to carry your scores nearer to your objective. Here, I’ll walk you through the means you should take on the off chance that you pick Option 2. The most effective method to Prep for the SAT: A Low Scorer's Guide The accompanying tips and techniques are for understudies with lower-than-normal SAT scores (recall that the normal is around 1000 out of 1600). On the off chance that your scores are as of now really high however you’re applying to amazingly serious schools, you should begin by looking at our manual for getting an ideal SAT score. Comprehend Your Mistakes Before you work through any more prep material, it’s extremely significant that you invest some energy making sense of why, precisely, you’re missing focuses. Understanding your slip-ups will assist you with focusing on your shortcomings in future investigation meetings. On the off chance that you haven’t done what's necessary practice material to do this kind of examination, I urge you to endure a full demonstrative practice test. Most blunders on the SAT can be categorized as one of these four classifications: Reckless mix-ups - you ought to have gotten the inquiry right however overlooked the main issue since you were unfocused or hurrying. Time bungle - you missed inquiries toward the finish of an area since you used up all available time. Absence of substance information - you missed an inquiry since you never realized what was important to answer it accurately (this most ordinarily occurs in the math area). Misconception the inquiry - you deciphered the wording of the inquiry erroneously, which prompted you choosing an inappropriate answer (or simply speculating). For more data on this procedure, look at our manual for adequately counting and examining SAT blunders. Fill in Content Gaps Working up fundamental information is critical for understudies who plan to altogether improve their scores. Like I referenced before, you may see this issue frequently in the SAT math segment - to get a head start on figuring out which content territories may require more work, find out about what precisely is tried on SAT math. The most ideal approach to fill in content holes isn’t to finish progressively official practice tests - you’ll have the most karma with class notes, course readings, and solid SAT prep books. At the point when you've filled in information holes, you can concentrate less on substance and more on test procedure. Forestall Timing Issues All inquiries on the SAT merit a similar number of crude focuses. On the off chance that you wind up stuck on an especially troublesome inquiry, circle it and return to it after you work through the finish of the segment. Keep in mind, however, that since there's no speculating punishment on the SAT, you should address each address regardless of whether you need to figure. In the event that you end up reliably using up all available time on the test, read around nine different ways to purchase time on the SAT. Dispose of Question Misunderstandings Regardless of whether you have the substance information you have to respond to an inquiry, you can’t use it successfully on the off chance that you don’t truly get what the inquiry is posing. This is some of the time identified with timing issues - if you’re hurrying to peruse an inquiry, you can wind up missing significant data. Basically working through training issues and acclimating yourself with the test f
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Lobito Essay Research Paper Lobito free essay sample
Lobito Essay, Research Paper Lobito Not one time is there a stifling moment in my home! That s in light of my Canis familiaris Lobito. Not at all like different families that have a human here and there being the joker of their family, in my family unit my Canis familiaris Lobito is the clown. He must be the most clever Canis familiaris alive. From his green-looked at beast fits of rage, and his way of picking fights with the rest of the Canis familiariss to his no end playing with his stuffed energize creatures. Well the best topographic point to get down would be by portraying his way of battling with other Canis familiariss. He s straight out of one of those movies where at that spot expressing hold me back. No undertaking how huge the Canis familiaris is he will debate him. This would be incredible on the off chance that he truly finished his danger yet he doesn t. He has this interesting wont that when were holding him once more from another Canis familiaris, his bark begins obtaining stronger. While keeping him back he will in general draw and jolt troublesome, and about state permit me at him. The interesting part is at the point when we truly permit him travel, he s shocked we permit him travel, and gives us this articulation like hello hold me back! Something else that accompanies his battling methods, are his twenty-four hours dream wants of being a security Canis familiaris. We have this one Canis familiaris named Pinto that Lobito abhorrences with all his chest. Bing that Pinto is alot more seasoned and greater than Lobbito, Lobito neer dares raise a bark at Pinto. Yet, wear t ever advise Pinto to go outside the house, since each piece in no time as Lobito hears the words Pinto outside, snake pit interferences free. Lobito will come cracking around the bend like on the off chance that he heard Puppy Chow was making a trip to be at a bargain. He begins yapping and yiping directly behind Pinto with an intermittent took shots at his tail. At the same clasp while this is all making a trip on he will in general give us an articulation that says how am I making? Well that s non the most exceedingly terrible segment, the most noticeably terrible segment is with regards to his green-peered toward beast. It could be said that Lobito has this idea that he s figure one, and he s got this idea for everything that transpires. Because of this idea of his we make it a point non to pet any different Canis familiaris other than him while he s about, and in the event that we by chance do pet another Canis familiaris he makes it understood to us he s disturbed with us by protesting. We neer let him find us petting another Canis familiaris! He ll come straight up to us, and cut intercede the Canis familiaris were petting. He ll so get down yelping at the different Canis familiaris to go forward. This is an unremarkable thing, and if by any opportunity we wear t pet him, he ll permit us cognize he s troubled with us. He ll put us on overlook way for the rest of the twenty-four hours. On the off chance that this happens we wear t even trouble naming out his name since he ll neer come. Another enormous segment of his green-looked at beast act is when individual carries a darling into the house. He begins the greatest and most intense yelping his lungs will permit. We truly need to bolt him in a room because of the way that were terrified he ll nibble the darling out of green-looked at beast. He ll be woofing and growling at the entryway for each piece long as he s secured at that place. He s got his paw Markss everywhere throughout the inside of the entryway from rubing such a great amount to obtain out. This isn t the most noticeably terrible of it. It s when we truly permit him out that is. He circumvents the house whiffing everything in site, and after that he puts everybody on disregard way. He ll at long last gives us consent to pet him, and snog up to him, yet non before he gives us his emotions were injury. What's more, last however non least, Lobitos universe praised stuffed toy conglomeration. This is his pride what's more, happiness. He has roughly ten stuffed toys spread around the house. In the forepart and back yard, under beds and even in the restroom. Every one drooled to faultlessness! This is where our quick one to do him cheerful comes in. In the event that we genuinely need Lobito to wish us, we just add a piece to his collection. He will in general play with his new quicken creatures for yearss, and conveys them around in his oral cavity everyplace he goes. He flaunts his new toy by taking it to us so we can play with him. He has this thing of playing get with his stuffed energize creatures, but it s non a decent idea of playing in the house. He tends non to see questions in his way while bringing his stuffed vivify creatures at illuming speed. People groups are non viewed as an obstacle for Lobito in the event that he s after his toy, he ll just run over us! He even thinks less about plain arraies or lights. So with the delineations I ve expressed Lobito in beyond what one way could be considered the bozo of the family unit. From his Comedy way of fighting with different Canis familiariss by moving out the one line drive hold me back, to his fits of rage of green-peered toward beast when an angel comes to fruition, or his universe praised stuffed toy total. Yet, to me and my family unit he is viewed as significantly more than simply a joker, he is viewed as segment O f the family. Lobito Not one time is there a stifling moment in my home! That s in view of my Canis familiaris Lobito. Not at all like different family units that have a human here and there being the joker of their family unit, in my family my Canis familiaris Lobito is the bozo. He must be the most amusing Canis familiaris alive. From his green-peered toward beast fits of rage, and his way of picking fights with the rest of the Canis familiariss to his no stop playing with his stuffed invigorate creatures. Well the best topographic point to get down would be by delineating his way of fighting with other Canis familiariss. He s straight out of one of those movies where at that spot expressing hold me back. No undertaking how enormous the Canis familiaris is he will contest him. This would be extraordinary in the event that he truly finished his danger however he doesn t. He has this interesting wont that when were holding him once again from another Canis familiaris, his bark begins getting stronger. While keeping him back he will in general draw and twitch troublesome, and about state permit me at him. The interesting part is at the point when we truly permit him travel, he s amazed we permit him travel, and gives us this articulation like hello hold me back! Something else that accompanies his fighting strategies, are his twenty-four hours dream wants of being a security Canis familiaris. We have this one Canis familiaris named Pinto that Lobito abhorrences with all his chest. Bing that Pinto is alot more seasoned and greater than Lobbito, Lobito neer dares raise a bark at Pinto. In any case, wear t ever advise Pinto to go outside the house, since each piece in a matter of seconds as Lobito hears the words Pinto outside, snake pit interferences free. Lobito will come bursting around the bend like on the off chance that he heard Puppy Chow was heading out to be marked down. He begins woofing and yiping directly behind Pinto with an infrequent took shots at his tail. At the same clasp while this is all going on he will in general give us an articulation that says how am I making? Well that s non the most exceedingly terrible part, the most noticeably terrible segment is with regards to his green-looked at beast. It could be said that Lobito has this idea that he s figure one, and he s got this idea for everything that transpires. Because of this idea of his we make it a point non to pet any different Canis familiaris other than him while he s about, and in the event that we by chance do pet another Canis familiaris he makes it understood to us he s disturbed with us by protesting. We neer let him discover us petting another Canis familiaris! He ll come straight up to us, and cut intervene the Canis familiaris were petting. He ll so get down yapping at the different Canis familiaris to go forward. This is an everyday thing, and if by any opportunity we wear t pet him, he ll permit us cognize he s troubled with us. He ll put us on overlook way for the rest of the twenty-four hours. On the off chance that this happens we wear t even trouble naming out his name since he ll neer come. Another enormous bit of his green-looked at beast act is when individual carries a darling into the house. He begins the greatest and most intense woofing his lungs will permit. We truly need to bolt him in a room because of the way that were terrified he ll chomp the darling out of green-peered toward beast. He ll be yapping and growling at the entryway for each piece long as he s secured at that place. He s got his paw Markss everywhere throughout the inside of the entryway from rubing such a great amount to get out. This isn t the most exceedingly terrible of it. It s when we truly permit him out that is. He circumvents the house whiffing everything in site, and after that he puts everybody on overlook way. He ll at last gives us authorization to pet him, and snog up to him, yet non before he gives us his emotions were injury. What's more, last however non least, Lobitos universe commended stuffed toy accumulation. This is his pride what's more, euphoria. He has roughly ten stuffed toys spread around the house. In the forepart and back yard, under beds and even in the restroom. Every one drooled to faultlessness! This is where our quick one to do him upbeat comes in. On the off chance that we genuinely need Lobito to wish us, we simply add a piece to his conglomeration. He will in general play with his new invigorate creatures for yearss, and conveys them around in his oral pit everyplace he goes. He flaunts his new toy by taking it to us so we can play with him. He has this thing of playing bring with his stuffed vitalize creatures, but it s non a decent idea of playing in the house. He tends non to see protests in his way while bringing his stuffed quicken creatures at illumin
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Killing Home Internet Is the Most Productive Thing Ive Ever Done
Killing Home Internet Is the Most Productive Thing Ive Ever Done Earlier this year I made the conscious decision to remove all Internet service from my home. It ended up being the best productivity decision I’ve ever made. I was not content with the time I was wastingâ€"I felt I could do more purposeful things with my time than spend it on the Internet. This doesn’t mean I think the Internet is evil, bad, or wrongâ€"it’s not. The Internet is an amazing tool, one that changed my life for the better. But you run a popular website, how could you possibly go without Internet service at home? My answer is easy: I plan my Internet use. I don’t do so in a regimented wayâ€"it’s not like I say, “OK, I’ll be on Twitter from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. next Thursday.†If I see something I want to research on the Internet, I write it down and use that list when I have Internet access. Now I’m forced to leave the house to access the Internet. I’ll go to the office, the library, the coffee shop, or some other place with free public Wi-Fi, and I’ll grab a cup of coffee or something to eat and work on all the stuff I need to do online (publish writing, check email, read blogs, get on goofy websites, etc.). Additionally, because I’m out of the house and there are people around, I meet new people. But you’re a writer, Joshua, and that’s why it made sense for you! I need the Internet for homework/work-work/Netflix/online dating/online gaming/updating my Facebook status/playing Farmville/surfing eBay for shit I don’t need/stalking my high school boyfriend/etc./etc. You probably don’t, and maybe it’s time to look in the mirror and be honest with yourself. I was able to reclaim the time I once wasted. No longer am I taking unconscious breaks from my life to watch YouTube videos, movie trailers, or to look at funny pictures on some random site. Now when I’m on the Internet, it has a purposeâ€"it is a tool I use to enhance my life. Sure, sometimes I log on to watch some funny videos or laugh at memes, but I go to the Internet with the intention of doing these things. Whenever I’m on the Internet now, I use it in a deliberate way, in a way that benefits me and my life, a way that adds value. When I got rid of the Internet at home, I did it mostly so I could focus on writing without distractionsâ€"but I found so many extra benefits since I got rid of the Internet: My time at home is more peaceful now, as if my home is a sanctuary. I have more time to read. I have more time to write. I have more time to think. I have more time for friends. I have more time to exercise. I have more time to walk. I am less distracted. I am less stressed. My thoughts are clearer and less fragmented. I no longer crave the Internet like I once did. My mind is more focused on important things. I don’t have a monthly Internet bill. Here are some of my tips to help you use the Internet in a deliberate, more productive way (this is what I do): Check email no more than once a day. Keep a list of what you want to do on the Internet (watch videos, listen to songs, stuff you want to read, etc.). Subscribe to your favorite websites and blogs via email, so they come directly to your inbox. Give yourself one or two hours per week to just goof-off on the Internet (make it a treat, like that piece of candy). That’s great for you, Joshua, but I could never do it! Don’t kill your Internet, then, but consider this: Embark on a 30-day trial. Take your modem and get it out of the houseâ€"take it to work, take it to a friend’s house, or do whatever you need to do get it out of the house for 30 daysâ€"just make sure you don’t have access to it. You will hate it at first. You’ll want to get online to do something stupid and you won’t be able to. Then you’ll want to get online to do something “important,†but you won’t be able to do that, either. It’s like quitting smoking: you’ll have a craving to get online, and it will take a while to get rid of that craving (that’s why I recommend at least 30 days). You will be frustrated at firstâ€"very, very frustrated at timesâ€"but you will live, and your life will be better without it: you will be able to do more worthwhile things, and you will remove some of the discontent from your life. If not, you can always go back. What do you have to lose? Better yetâ€"what do you have to gain? If you find value in The Minimalists, consider donating a dollar. You May Also Enjoy How to Start a Successful Blog Today Learn how to start a blog in less than an hour. Follow the step-by-step instructions we used when starting our blog, which now has reached more than 20 million people. Creating this blog is one of the best decisions Ryan and I ever made. After all, our blog is how we earn a living. More important, it's how we add value to other people's lives. Read more 30-Day Minimalism Game Let's play a simple game together. We call it the 30-Day Minimalism Game. Find a friend, family member, or coworker who's willing to minimize their stuff with you next month. Read more 11 Ways to Write Better We are all writers now. Whether you write books, blog posts, emails, Instagram captions, or text messages, you are a writer. No matter your preferred medium, here are a few tips to help you write more effectively. Read more Subscribe to The Minimalists via email.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Assessment of Dells Approach to Operations Management
Assessment of Dells Approach to Operations Management Introduction Dell Corporation (NASDAQ: DELL) is a global leader in operations management, supply chain management (SCM), logistics and advanced lean manufacturing techniques. While hundreds of companies have attempted to attain the level of performance they have using their unique approach to operations management and supply chain synchronization to demand forecasting, few have attained the level of production efficiency Dell has. The center of their strength as a high tech manufacturer is based on how product design processes, workflows and frameworks are used throughout their organization to streamline time-to-market and increase sales. Dell operates on a very raid product lifecycle (PLC) timetable often having concurrent product introductions of systems from the same series of personal computers, table PCs or laptops. Dell is also very unique in that they have continually been profitable with their build-to-order product strategy, redefining mass customization in the process. These three facto rs of Dells performance are discussed in this analysis. Dell has successfully used product design, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), lean manufacturing and mass customization concepts and frameworks to become a global leader in high tech manufacturing, generating $62B in revenue in their latest fiscal year and earning a Net Income of $3.4B. Dells supply chain strategies and approach to mass customization are predicated onShow MoreRelatedBusiness Benefits Expected : Implementation Of Ea766 Words  | 4 Pagesbusiness benefits (Opentext) discussed in the following section: †¢ Operational Efficiency: EA would be used by Dell to identify complex and costly processes, and simplify and standardize them. Focus would be made on cost reduction, and enhanced operations’ speed. 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Friday, May 8, 2020
Their Eyes Were Watching God By Nora Zeale Hurston
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Nora Zeale Hurston is an excellent feminist novel and an even better speakerly text. Speakerly texts speak to the readers with an authentic black voice. This authentic black voice can only come from an African-American himself or herself, which in this case, is Hurston. Speakerly text is defined as â€Å"a text whose rhetorical strategy is designed to represent an oral tradition†(Harriss). Throughout Hurston’s novel, Janie, an African-American woman, is narrating her past experiences to her good friend, Pheoby. Through her life journey, Janie faces difficult times, but times that ultimately help her find her voice and identity. Hurston’s novel is written through Janie’s point of view, making the story have a black narrative voice. An online article states that according to Gates, â€Å"this speech based and racially inflected aesthetic that produces a ‘black poetic diction’ requires that the writer acknowledge and reproduce in the text a significant difference between the spoken and written language of African-Americans and that of other Americans†(Mullen). In chapter nineteen of Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie meets with a white doctor. The conversations between these two show the difference between the spoken language of African-Americans and that of other Americans. This difference in language between these two races is described in Deborah Clarke’s â€Å"The Porch Couldn’t Talk for Looking.†Clarke explains that black men’s words are pictures and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Public Utility of Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) Free Essays
The Congress enacted Public Utility of Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) of 1978 to answer the energy crisis that U. S. was facing (470 U. We will write a custom essay sample on Public Utility of Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) or any similar topic only for you Order Now S. 1075). Section 210 of Title II provides that the act shall promote for the development of alternative energy resources by stopping the practice of electric utilities in purchasing power from non-traditional facilities (470 U. S. 1075). In addition, the act also authorized the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or FERC to implement the act by promulgating rules necessary to encourage cogeneration and small power production (470 U.S. 1075). The function of FERC includes also the setting of rate of electricity (470 U. S. 1075). Moreover, the act required the rates to be just and reasonable and non-discriminatory and shall not exceed the incremental cost of the electric utility of alternative electric energy (470 U. S. 1075). Pursuant to said act, FERC adopted the maximum rate which is the incremental of full- avoided cost and required all utilities to purchase from qualifying facilities (470 U. S. 1075). The state of New York has set minimum rate of six per kilowatt hour. The appellant argued that it cannot pay such amount because its avoided cost fell below that amount (470 U. S. 1075). PROCEDURE: The Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court granted the petition because the rate of six cents per kilowatt hour exceeded the federally mandated avoided cost rate (470 U. S. 1075). The respondent here appealed to Court of Appeals and it reversed the decision of the lower court on the ground that the federal law and the statute are complementary and the statute is consistent with the purpose of the act. ISSUE: Can the state require utilities to pay more than the full avoided cost rate for their mandatory purchases? HOLDING: Yes, the state can. REASONING: There is no question as to the rate implemented by the state because the Act authorizes it. The state can freely enact regulations or laws providing rates as long as it achieves the purpose of the Act. Furthermore, there is no substantial issue than can be debated and so the case is dismissed. DISSENTING: The Act and the state’s regulations should be clearly interpreted. The decision of CA is contradictory to the case in Kansas where the court held that the state regulatory commission could not set rates for purchases from cogenerations that were higher than the avoided cost (470 U. S. 1075). Moreover, the state may have jurisdiction to set the rates under PURPA but the extent of their authority shall be settled (470 U. S. 1075). In addition, Justice White found that there are various cases similar to this and the states also have different approaches as to the setting of the rate under the PURPA (470 U. S. 1075). These cases may occur again in the future and in order to avoid it, the issue shall be resolved. Furthermore, the Justice found the issue as important and open for debate (470 U. S. 1075) Works Cited â€Å"Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. v. Public Service Commission of New York, et al (470 U. S. 1075). †2003. The New York Times. 23 May 2008 http://caselaw. lp. findlaw. com/cgi-bin/getcase. pl? court=USvol=470invol=1075friend=nytimes. â€Å"How To Brief A Case. †2006. 4Lawschool. com. 23 May 2008 http://www. How to cite Public Utility of Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA), Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Research Proposal on Family Business Essay Example
Research Proposal on Family Business Essay Family business is the type of business which is managed and owned by a single family and the period of ownership lasts for several generations. It is obvious that family business is the most ancient from of business, because every business was hereditary and the ownership transferred from generation to generation. Every shop, workhouse, factory, farm belonged to a certain family and the following generations had the duty to develop their family business further. With the run of time the model of family business divided into several directions and other forms of business appeared. Nowadays there are still firms which are run by families and the most well-known and profitable companies are Walmart, Samsung Group, Tata Group, etc. Family business is a complicated type of running a business, because there are its own positive and negative sides. The positive side of family business is the fact that very family member is interested in the development of business in order to receive higher profit. Moreover, it is better to discuss the new strategies of development and important decisions with the closest people who would help, criticize and support the idea objectively. The only negative side of family business is the probable lack of qualification and professional skills among the members of the family who receive high positions. For example, it is wiser to employee a non-family experienced manager who would work better than the inexperienced and unskilful relative. Finally, there are often quarrels between the members of the family who want to have the entire rights for the control over the business and if there is rivalry in a family, the development of such a business is under the risk of failure. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Family Business specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Family Business specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Family Business specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Family business is the ancient form of running a business which can be met even today. The student is able to develop his knowledge on economics and management and prepare a quality research proposal which would observe the issue from the alternative and brand new point of view. The student should concentrate on the creation of the proposal which would present the definite theses statements and questions chosen for the research and a brief plan of its writing. The young professional is asked to concentrate of the methodology of the research and find the reliable sources on family business which can be used for the successful research. The research proposal is a challenging assignment which requires attention, knowledge and writing skills, so the student is able to be on the safe side reading a free example research proposal on family business prepared by the skilful writer who has the profound knowledge on the topic. It is a plus to observe a free sample research proposal on family business relying on the experience and qualification of the experts. At writing service you can order a custom research proposal on Family Business topics. Your proposal will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated PhD and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research proposal help at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all proposal details: Enjoy our professional research proposal writing service!
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